House of Victory Foundation
Your generous gift allows House of Victory to compensate student-athletes for NIL opportunities in which they use their talent and platforms to partner with nonprofits in our communities and support their missions. These opportunities provide critical experiences for our student-athletes to give back and develop a passion for charitable engagement.

Ways to Contribute to House of Victory Foundation
- Online via Credit Card, contribute here and select your sport of choice at checkout.
- Check, Wire Transfer, ACH, Donor Advised Funds and Stock Transfers, contact Spencer Harris at
We always recommend consulting with your own tax professional.
Partner Organizations
House of Victory athletes have helped further the mission of the following organizations:

House of Victory has partnered with multiple local Boys & Girls Club chapters including Challengers and Los Angeles Harbor to help young people reach their full potential.

Children's Hospital LA creates hope and builds healthier futures as a leader in pediatric medicine. Student-athletes have partnered with CHLA to bring joy to patients through hospital visits, toy drives, special events and more.

Center for the Pacific Asian Family is committed to ending violence and abuse in API communities by breaking through language, cultural and institutional barriers. House of Victory athletes have attended various cultural events and seminars in support of this mission.

Fulfillment Fund empowers first-generation and low-income students in LA to prepare for, finance and graduate from college to pursue careers that lead to greater economic mobility.

Heluna Health strives to eliminate health care disparities for vulnerable communities. Through House of Victory, student-athletes have championed Heluna's work around nutrition, literacy and healthy lifestyles.

Hirshberg Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research raises awareness and supports research and patient programs for pancreatic cancer. House of Victory student-athletes have supported Hirshberg through special events including Tour de Pier, an impactful community event.

Make-A-Wish Foundation creates life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. House of Victory student-athletes have participated in a variety of awareness campaigns and special events to support their mission and kids in need.

The Midnight Mission is a comprehensive homeless shelter and homeless services provider. House of Victory student-athletes have served their community through food preparation and distribution.

NEGU is dedicated to helping support every child fighting cancer so they never, ever give up. Student-athletes have supported this mission by delivering JoyJars to children in need during hospital visits.

New Challenge Ministries is South Bay's largest food bank, serving more than 2.4 million people facing food insecurity annually.

Rhythm Arts Alliance creates a positive and healing path through a variety of art forms for youth challenged by poverty and marginalization.

House of Victory student-athletes have helped Safe Place for Youth, which empowers young people experiencing homelessness to thrive by providing lasting, community-driven solutions that address racial and social inequity through site visits, community engagement and more.

Stay Ready provides development for young athletes on and off the field through Frostee Rucker's nonprofit organization. House of Victory football, men's and women's basketball student-athletes have helped coach youth camps in their respective sports.

Troy Camp is a USC student-run philanthropy providing long-term mentorship for kids throughout South Los Angeles. Student-athletes have participated in various youth events and mentorship opportunities.

The Young Shakespeareans transforms the futures of local youth through arts education. House of Victory student-athletes have shown their support by attending performances, meeting with participants and more.

Our Mission
House of Victory Foundation promotes and fosters charitable and educational community activities involving the participation of student-athletes. The activities primarily include partnering with community-based organizations that target underserved youth.

House of Victory Foundation is a project of Community Initiatives, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation qualified as exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (“IRC”) and classified as a public charity under IRC Sections 509(a)(1) and 170(b)(1)(A)(vi). As a Fiscal Sponsor, Community Initiatives accepts and provides compliance for contributions on behalf of House of Victory Foundation.